Local Dental Blogs - Philadelphia, PA

The Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

If you have chipped or otherwise damaged teeth, know that relief is just a simple procedure away. Porcelain veneers make for the perfect option for those with structural or cosmetic issues with their teeth, and Dr. Eric Friedman and the rest of us here at Absolute Smile are eager to show you the many benefits of opting for veneers rather than feel as if you’re stuck with a smile that brings you more embarrassment than it does pride.

Candidates for Porcelain Veneers

Those who might want to seriously consider visiting a cosmetic dentist in Southampton, PA, to learn more about veneers include patients with such teeth issues as:

  • Gaps
  • Cracks
  • Chips
  • Discoloration
  • Slight misalignment

While veneers are often a great choice for a variety of patients, they aren’t for everyone. Veneers are a prime option for those who:

  • Can make a commitment to improve their oral health
  • Have good oral hygiene habits
  • Have enough healthy enamel to support veneers


Now that you understand a bit more about who’s a solid candidate for veneers, you might be curious as to the exact benefits of opting for veneers over similar options. Specific advantages of porcelain veneers include:

  • Having veneers that can last you anywhere from 12 to 25 years without the need for maintenance, as long as you take proper care of them
  • Veneers are customized to fit perfectly with your other teeth, making them feel more natural than you ever imagined
  • They’re a prime option for patients with malformed or misaligned teeth as well as those who have discolored teeth
  • Your gum tissues are naturally better able to handle porcelain, which can’t be said of composite veneers

Improve Your Smile and Oral Health

To learn more about the benefits of veneers, or if you have any questions about our other professional dental services and treatments, give our dentists a call to schedule an appointment!

How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Change Your Life

Are you unsure if cosmetic dentistry is right for you? Not sure if it is worth it? Check out this FREE article that will help you understand!

How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Change Your Life